The above map is the overall journey from Buckingham Fountain in Chicago to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis using Google Maps as adjusted showing the approximate route taken. This route shows 337 total miles. The Adventure Cycling Map route is 328.6 miles. We actually took 354 miles (alas it is not always easy to follow the map, and I got us lost a few times).
The Leg 1 journey from Chicago to St Louis was done in seven days, from late August to early September, in what turned out to be an extraordinary heat wave, and a pretty steady headwind.
But first, there was rain and fog. Below we wait for some abatement underneath the tailgate of our support vehicle. (Note the Masters Tournament ponchos: had to show a little class).
Day 4: Bloomington to Springfield
Day 5: Springfield to Litchfield
Day 6: Litchfield to Edwardsville
Day 7: Edwardsville to St Louis